

Morning after pill” only from the age of 15

An amendment to the Regulation on issuing medicinal products and medical devices from the pharmacy came into force. The amendment added § 5 section 2, according to which a medicinal product from the group ATC G03A- hormonal contraceptives for internal use, having "OTC" category, may be dispensed to a person who is at least 15 years old. It means that the ellaOne pills can be sold only to people who reached the age of 15. So far, “morning after pills” could have been issued without age limits. 

According to  justification of a draft of the Regulation, the amendment is aimed at introducing age limit, from which it is legal to purchase the hormonal contraceptives for internal use, having "OTC" category, without a prescription. The end of maturation period of girls is reached, on the average, at the age of 15, so limitation in access to these pills for the population of children and youth under this age is justified.  
[Joanna Gwarda]
